Hash Tables in JavaScript

Hash Tables in JavaScript

Hash tables are a fundamental data structure in computer science, providing efficient key-value pair storage. In this blog post, we'll explore what hash tables are, their benefits, and how to implement them in JavaScript. We'll also highlight the differences between a simple object and a hash table.

What is a Hash Table?

A hash table (or hash map) is a data structure that maps keys to values for highly efficient lookup. It uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found. The hash function transforms the key into a hash code, which determines where the key-value pair should be stored in the array.

Characteristics of a Hash Table

  1. Hash Function: A function that converts a key into an index in the array.
  2. Buckets or Slots: The array where the key-value pairs are stored.
  3. Collision Handling: Techniques like chaining (using linked lists) or open addressing (finding another slot) to handle situations where multiple keys hash to the same index.

Benefits of Hash Tables

  • Fast Access: Hash tables provide O(1) average time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations.
  • Efficient Memory Usage: They dynamically resize to accommodate more elements.
  • Direct Access: Keys are directly mapped to their values using a hash function.

Difference Between a Simple Object and a Hash Table

  • Simple Object: A plain JavaScript object uses the property names directly and does not involve hashing. It internally uses a more optimized structure, but it's abstracted away from the developer.
  • Hash Table: Explicitly uses a hash function to determine the storage index for each key. It involves manually managing collisions and potentially resizing the underlying array.

Key Differences

  • Access Method:
    • Object: Direct access by property name.
    • Hash Table: Access via hash function to determine the index.
  • Underlying Mechanism:
    • Object: Optimized internally by JavaScript engine.
    • Hash Table: Explicit hash function and collision handling.
  • Flexibility and Control:
    • Object: Simple and easy to use.
    • Hash Table: More control over storage and retrieval mechanisms, suitable for custom implementations.

Example of a Simple Object vs. Hash Table

Simple Object

const obj = {
    name: 'Alice',
    age: 30,
    country: 'Wonderland'

console.log(obj.name); // Accessing value directly by property name

Hash Table Implementation

class HashTable {
    constructor(size = 50) {
        this.table = new Array(size);
        this.size = size;

    _hash(key) {
        let hash = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
            hash = (hash << 5) - hash + key.charCodeAt(i);
            hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
        return hash % this.size;

    set(key, value) {
        const index = this._hash(key);
        if (!this.table[index]) {
            this.table[index] = [];
        this.table[index].push([key, value]);

    get(key) {
        const index = this._hash(key);
        if (!this.table[index]) return undefined;

        for (let pair of this.table[index]) {
            if (pair[0] === key) {
                return pair[1];
        return undefined;

    remove(key) {
        const index = this._hash(key);
        if (!this.table[index]) return false;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.table[index].length; i++) {
            if (this.table[index][i][0] === key) {
                this.table[index].splice(i, 1);
                return true;
        return false;

// Example usage
const ht = new HashTable();
ht.set('name', 'Alice');
ht.set('age', 30);
ht.set('country', 'Wonderland');

console.log(ht.get('name')); // Output: Alice
console.log(ht.get('age'));  // Output: 30
console.log(ht.get('age'));  // Output: undefined

Handling Collisions

In a hash table, collisions occur when two keys hash to the same index. There are several strategies to handle collisions:

  1. Chaining: Each bucket points to a linked list of entries that map to the same index. When a collision occurs, the new entry is added to the linked list.

  2. Open Addressing: When a collision occurs, the hash table searches for the next available slot. There are different methods of open addressing:

    • Linear Probing: If a collision occurs at index i, the table checks the next slot i+1, then i+2, and so on, until an empty slot is found.
    • Quadratic Probing: Similar to linear probing, but instead of checking the next slot linearly, it checks the slots at intervals of 1, 4, 9, 16, and so on.
    • Double Hashing: Uses a second hash function to determine the step size when a collision occurs.

we're not gonna go deep into handling collision, but be aware there is more to it.

Practical Example in Node.js with JSON-based Database (LowDB)

Let’s build a simple in-memory hash table to illustrate the concept and its benefits using LowDB.

Setup LowDB

npm install lowdb

Implement a Hash Table with LowDB

const { Low, JSONFile } = require('lowdb');
const { join } = require('path');

// Setup LowDB
const file = join(__dirname, 'db.json');
const adapter = new JSONFile(file);
const db = new Low(adapter);

class PersistentHashTable {
    constructor() {

    async init() {
        await db.read();
        db.data ||= { hashTable: {} };
        await db.write();

    _hash(key) {
        let hash = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
            hash = (hash << 5) - hash + key.charCodeAt(i);
            hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
        return hash % 100; // Using a fixed size for simplicity

    async set(key, value) {
        const index = this._hash(key);
        await db.read();
        if (!db.data.hashTable[index]) {
            db.data.hashTable[index] = [];
        db.data.hashTable[index].push([key, value]);
        await db.write();

    async get(key) {
        const index = this._hash(key);
        await db.read();
        if (!db.data.hashTable[index]) return undefined;

        for (let pair of db.data.hashTable[index]) {
            if (pair[0] === key) {
                return pair[1];
        return undefined;

    async remove(key) {
        const index = this._hash(key);
        await db.read();
        if (!db.data.hashTable[index]) return false;

        for (let i = 0; i < db.data.hashTable[index].length; i++) {
            if (db.data.hashTable[index][i][0] === key) {
                db.data.hashTable[index].splice(i, 1);
                await db.write();
                return true;
        return false;

// Example usage
(async () => {
    const pht = new PersistentHashTable();

    await pht.set('name', 'Alice');
    await pht.set('age', 30);
    await pht.set('country', 'Wonderland');

    console.log(await pht.get('name'));  // Output: Alice
    console.log(await pht.get('age'));   // Output: 30

    await pht.remove('age');
    console.log(await pht.get('age'));   // Output: undefined

Final notes

A hash table explicitly uses a hash function to manage key-value pairs in a way that optimizes for quick lookup. Simply hashing property names in an object does not make it a hash table. A hash table involves a more complex structure and logic to handle collisions and ensure efficient data retrieval. This implementation demonstrates how hash tables can efficiently manage key-value pairs in both in-memory and persistent storage scenarios.

  • #javascript
  • #hashtable
  • #table
  • #lowdb